Tomato Sauce – easy and homemade!

I keep a half-gallon container on my counter and add tomatoes to it. When it gets full, I make a batch of tomato sauce.
It’s tomato season! Farmers’ markets are overflowing with amazing tomatoes, and so is my garden. After I eat lots of homegrown tomatoes fresh and give away lots to friends, then there is the question of what to do with the rest of them.
This easy homemade tomato sauce is my answer! It takes about five minutes of work, plus occasional stirring while the tomatoes cook — and it makes amazing tomato sauce that tastes like summer sunshine.
Also: This recipe blog is eight years old today. Happy Birthday recipe blog!

Add basil and garlic to the pot, cover, and turn off the heat. Let cool, then blend in a blender or food processor.
Tomato Sauce - homemade and easy!
- 8 cups tomatoes, any variety, rinsed and with their stems removed. The smaller grape-sized tomatoes can stay whole; cut bigger ones into big chunks. If you have all small tomatoes, cut some of them open, so that the liquid from them can cook all the tomatoes. - the quantities of everything in this recipe are very flexible; more or less is fine
- 1/4 to 1/2 cup onion - cut into chunks or diced
- 3-4 cloves garlic - peeled, and with the little root end cut off
- 1/4 cup canola oil - preferably organic
- a sprig of fresh basil - about 5-10 leaves
- a few sprigs of fresh oregano - optional!
- In a big soup pot, cook the onion in the oil for a few minutes, until it is translucent.
- Add tomatoes and cook until they look saucy, stirring occasionally. The amount of time varies, but it's maybe 15 minutes to half an hour, unattended except for the occasional stir.
- Add garlic and herbs, still whole.
- Cover. Turn off heat.
- Let it sit, covered, until it is lukewarm.
- Blend it in the food processor. If you have a lot of sauce, you may need to do this in batches.
- You can use the tomato sauce right away, store it in the refrigerator, or freeze plastic containerfuls, or freeze it in an ice cube tray and then pop out the cubes and store them in a plastic bag in the freezer.
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